We are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy policy forms a part of the RANKRIZERS / LOGICRANKS Terms of Usage (ToU) and is applicable to you if are a causal user or registered user on www.aiqlister.com. All abbreviations and definitions used herein are the same as those mentioned in the ToU. We may collect certain information including but not limited to your personal information when you register and utilise our listing services. This document provides you with an insight on the information we collect from you and the purpose behind such collection. You are advised to immediately discontinue using our services if you do not agree with our privacy policy.

What we collect

We do not collect any personal information from a causal user who does not register.

We collect your personal information like your name, email ID, contact number, and date of birth for registration purpose

We also collect your IP address, device information like the device type and operating system on which you access RANKRIZERS, and your usage history including but not limited to the pages you visited online, your keyword searches and actions taken.

We may use cookies to collect your usage history however, you may disable the cookie on your browser.

Purpose of collection

The main purpose of collection is to identify you. Your name and email ID is used for registration purpose. We may use your email ID and phone number to contact you with regarding your account with us.

Your IP address, Device information is collected for verification purpose and for authentication. It is also used to help us improve our service. Your usage history is solely used to help us improve our service.

We collect your date of birth for the sole purpose of determining that you are an adult. We do not allow individuals under 18 years to register, as per the Indian Contract Act.

Storing and Sharing your Information

We collect only that information which are required to provide you with our service. We do not share any information collected from you to third parties. When you provide a rating or review, your username would be displayed. We urge you to use a fictitious user name and not your real name as your user name.

We do not store your information locally and utilise the service of [cloud service], which employs industry standard encryption and other measures to protect your information. Reasonable security measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks. However, we do not ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you further understand and acknowledge that you do so at your own risk.

We shall not in any way be liable for reasons beyond our control including but not limited to force majeure events like fire, flood, earthquakes, explosions, epidemics, pandemics, lockdowns, quarantine restrictions, embargoes, government actions, war, strikes, disruptions; hacking, virus and other malicious codes etc.

We may share your information in the event of a public safety/ security issue or in case of a request/ direction from authorities including but not limited to police, judiciary etc.

Even when you stop using RANKRIZERS, if you are a registered user, we may store your information for a minimum of   1    years for the ease of logging back in. please contact us in case you want to permanently delete your details.

Your rights

Refusal: You may refuse to share any personal information with us. As stated above, providing your personal data (voluntary) in the required fields is purely optional and you may refuse to provide any information. However, we cannot register you and you would not be able to post any reviews or ratings.

Access: You may request us for copies of your personal data in our possession. However, a nominal fee may be applicable for the same.

Modification: In case you need to modify, change or rectify any errors in your personal data, you may send a request to us, if you genuinely believe your personal data with us is incomplete or inaccurate.

Deletion: You have the right to request deletion of your personal information in our possession. You may request for deletion of partial information, certain specific information or the entire information pertaining to you within our possession. However, we might not be able to reply to your query and your registration shall be cancelled once your personal information has been deleted.

If you have any queries regarding the information collected, please write to us at:hello@rankrizers.com